Citric Acid Production Plant

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC has completed the development of project documentation stage "Project Documentation", according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated 02/16/2008 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content", for а Grain Deep Processing Plant with the final product – Citric Acid.

Citric Acid Production Plant

Our specialists have developed the most optimal technical and process solutions, optimized technological processes as much as possible in terms of reducing utility costs (electricity, water, steam, waste water, etc.), selected modern, energy-efficient equipment, as well as optimal solutions for the placement of objects on the production site and for the construction of buildings and structures.

Our company can offer customers from Russia and the CIS countries the most modern technology for the citric acid production. In this case, wheat grain of 3-4 classes, corn grain, native starch or syrup can be used as the initial raw material.

Turning to us, our customers can be sure that they will receive a comprehensive world-class service - from project discussion and clarification of needs at the planning stage to the delivery of the highest quality equipment, its commissioning and support during its operation.