AT/AVT crude oil distillation plant

AT/AVT crude oil distillation plant ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC has been engaged in the oil and gas industry for more than 10 years, providing comprehensive supplies of crude oil distillation plants, gas condensate and other petroleum raw materials, from technology development and design to installation and commissioning.

Thanks to the use of the best available technologies, as well as an individual approach to the consideration of your application, we offer optimal solutions for the implementation of installations intended for crude oil distillation and production of marketable:
  • Gasoline
  • Kerosene
  • Diesel fuel
  • Fuel oil

Plants types supported

The atmospheric distillation plant (type AT) is designed for processing crude oil and/or gas condensate.

Plants types supported

According to GOST R 51858-2020 “Oil. General technical conditions ”, oil is divided into classes, types, groups and types.

Depending on the density and yield of fractions, oil is divided into five types:

  1. Particularly light
  2. Lightweight
  3. Average
  4. Heavy
  5. Bituminous

Obtaining the main types of finished products is possible using AT/AVT installations:

  • Kerosene cut (use in the compounding process and for production needs);
  • Diesel fuel brands DT-E-K4, DE-A-K4, and DT-3-K4;
  • Household heating fuel;
  • Marine fuel DMA/DMZ in accordance with GOST 32510-2013;
  • Fuel oil (furnace 100) in accordance with GOST 10585-2013;
  • Automotive gasoline AI-80.

To obtain the required products, please pay attention to the following:

Kerosene fractions
There are no direct restrictions on receipt. Depending on the planned involvement in the production of specific products and the quality characteristics of other fractions involved, adjustments are necessary in terms of the fractional composition of the resulting kerosene fractions. In general, the adjustment is carried out by the temperature regime of the atmospheric column. To be used as aviation kerosene, this fraction most often needs to be purified from sulfur compounds in a hydrotreating unit (preferably) or demercaptanization.
Diesel fuel brands DT-E-K4, DT-A-K4, DT-Z-K

The procedure for the production and circulation of diesel fuel on the territory of the Customs Union is regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU 013/2011).

  • For the production of commercial diesel fuel, the most critical indicator is the sulfur content (for K4 fuel no more than 50 mg/kg, for K5 fuel no more than 10 mg/kg), which, together with the mass fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (no more than 8%), is achieved in the process hydrotreating (straight-run diesel fractions usually have a sulfur content of up to 1.0% by weight). To use hydrogenation processes, a hydrogen production plant is required.
  • To produce winter diesel fuel DT-3 classes 2 and 3 according to GOST 32511-2013, a diesel fuel dewaxing unit using depressant and cetane-boosting additives is required.
  • To produce Arctic diesel fuel DT-A, class 4 according to GOST 32511-2013, a diesel fuel dewaxing unit and the involvement of the kerosene fraction using depressant and cetane-boosting additives are required.
Household heating fuel
There are no direct restrictions for the production of household heating fuel, type V. Production is carried out by mixing straight-run diesel fraction with straight-run kerosene fraction in different ratios depending on seasonality. To produce household heating fuel, type IV, it is necessary to use a hydrotreating process.

Receipt and characteristics of products

Straight-run gasoline fractions have an octane number according to the research method, as a rule, no higher than 60 units. According to the requirements of TR CU 013/2011 and, accordingly, GOST 32513 for motor gasoline of environmental class K4, the standard for the mass fraction of sulfur is “no more than 50 mg/kg”, and for the volume fraction of benzene “no more than 1%”. To achieve sulfur content requirements, a hydrotreating unit is required. Increase in octane number by 20 units only through additives is usually difficult to achieve.

Typically, gasoline is produced by mixing individual high-octane gasoline fractions obtained from straight-run gasoline fractions using octane enhancement processes with oxygenates or other octane-increasing additives (in the production of high-octane gasoline).

Different parts of straight-run gasoline fractions require different ways to increase their octane number. Thus, in order to achieve the requirements for octane number, it is necessary to use isomerization processes for the light part of straight-run gasoline (fr. n.c. - 80 ° C), catalytic reforming in the fuel version of the remaining medium and heavy parts of straight-run gasoline (fr. 80 - 180 ° C ) with subsequent installation of separation of benzene-containing fraction by rectification method.

Product % by weight
Input 100

Oil crude

Consumption 100

Hydrocarbon gas, incl. liquefied


Stable straight-run gasoline
factions n.k. 80 °C and 80 – 180 °C


Straight-run kerosene fraction


Straight-run diesel fraction

Fuel oil 49
Losses 1

See also: Packaged modular equipment

Supplied production equipment

Supplied production equipment Supplied production equipment Supplied production equipment Supplied production equipment

The uniqueness of the company in this field

  • The composition of the installation is determined jointly with the Customer and depends primarily on the quality of the feedstock, the expected power and the required final product.
  • ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING specialists are ready to develop several options for further selection of the most cost-effective ones while maintaining the necessary environmental safety.
  • We are engaged in the sale of installations for primary oil refining. We work with Customers from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, as well as other countries near and far abroad.
  • Our specialists will provide all the necessary information and answer any questions you may have.