Acquaint you with the principles of operation of vacuum evaporation plants

We present to you our new video about the principles of operation of vacuum evaporation plants, which we have prepared for our existing and potential customers.

You can get acquainted in detail with the principles of the movement of technological flows through the vacuum evaporation plant, which are clearly demonstrated in the video:

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC has its own methodology for calculating evaporation plants. We offer our customers vacuum evaporation plants of various designs for the concentration of products and spheres in a variety of industries.

Depending on the properties of the evaporated product our company can offer vacuum evaporation stations, equipped with evaporators with falling membrane, evaporators with forced circulation, as well as combining various types of evaporators in a variety of combinations.

You can learn more about the manufacture of industrial vacuum evaporation plants by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC on our website at the link.

We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Our contacts for communication:

8 (800) 555-06-09, (reception)

8 (915) 860-48-23, (Yuri Gennadievich Kombarov, Project Manager of the Petrochemistry Department)