ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC has been awarded the status of PLC Regul system integrator

This gives us the right, under an agreement with the largest manufacturer of domestic controller equipment, to supply, engineer, implement and service PLC Regul RX00.

We are pleased to offer our clients comprehensive solutions for automating business processes and production at enterprises, now in the official status of a system integrator, which was assigned to us after successfully completing courses from Prosoft-Systems LLC - an engineering company for the development, supply and implementation of "turnkey" high-tech devices and systems for the energy, oil and gas, metallurgy and other industries, which has the status of an international expert in the field of electric power systems and automation systems and is capable of providing its components for APCS of any level of complexity - from the PLC level to the top level of the operator system.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC has been awarded the status of PLC Regul system integrator

During the training, our specialists from the APCS department completed the courses: "Products of RegLab LLC. Introductory course" and "PLC Regul RX00.

Basic tools for developing application software for PLC. Basic course". Based on the results of successful training and assignment of the status of system integrator to our company, the head of the group for work with system integrators of Prosoft-Systems LLC, technical marketing department, Igor Viktorovich Krachkovsky arrived to ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC to conduct an audit of our company's compliance with the high requirements imposed on Regul* system integrators.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC has been awarded the status of PLC Regul system integrator

In the near future, ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC plans to obtain the status of an expert-systemic integration specialist.

* Regul PLC controllers are a universal tool that operates on the basis of powerful processors that provide the ability to process large volumes of information with minimal program cycle time for creating industrial automation systems of any scale.