Completed work on the second stage of expansion of resin production at PJSC “Pigment”

«ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING» LLC completed the work on "Stage2 increase in cold production capacity in workshop No.32" as part of the technical upgrading of the resin production expansion.

As part of this work, LLC «ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING» carried out a range of works:

  • Development of working documentation,
  • Supply of main and auxiliary process equipment;
  • Development of a control system and delivery of a complete control system with instrumentation sensors.

Taking into account the excess of hot water coming from power units with a temperature of 90° C, which was subsequently cooled and returned to the power units, LLC  ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING, in agreement with PJSC Pigment, proposed and supplied an absorption chiller, which, due to the heat removed by hot water , receive refrigerant with a temperature 7° C.

Commissioning of the new unit for production of cold will:

  • Feed coolants to consumers with a constant temperature, more efficiently remove heat;
  • Reduce heat loss;
  • Reduce energy costs for the production of coolants;
  • Ensure shortening of the time for carrying out technological operations

All of the above will improve the quality of the final product and optimize its cost.

Watch projects

Installation of increasing the capacity of cold production
✓ 2017

Installation of increasing the capacity of cold production

PJSC «Pigment»
