A report by “Vesti Irkutsk” was released about the unique sewage treatment plants supplied by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING

In the Slyudyansky district, on the former territory of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, installation of technological equipment for an alkaline wastewater treatment plants using multi-stage filtration with reverse osmosis has begun. The Plant's capacity is 2 thousand m³ per day. The infrastructure for the treatment and disposal of sludge waters at the Solzansky landfill is being created as part of a federal project to eliminate the accumulated damage of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill.

More details about this are in the — Vesti Irkutsk story.

Read also: ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING experts talk about the use of the company's evaporation units in the pulp and paper industry

Work on the territory of the central sewage treatment facilities with black liquor of the Solzansky landfill is planned to be completed by the end of 2024. Our company is implementing turnkey units for evaporation of eluates after ion exchange and a unit for evaporation of the concentrate of the reverse osmosis unit at the site. The equipment is part of the alkali-containing effluent treatment station. The station is designed to pump out and purify about 300 thousand m³ of wastewater. As a result, the purified water will correspond to distilled water in terms of salt content.

Information about Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill

According to TASS, it operated from 1966 to 2013. It was the city-forming enterprise of the single-industry town of Baikalsk, where 13 thousand people currently live. The environmental damage from its activities is more than 6 million m³ of liquid and solid waste of hazard class IV: lignin sludge, ash, tree bark, industrial and household waste, alkali-containing liquid - in 14 sludge storage pools on the shore of Lake Baikal.

A report by “Vesti Irkutsk” was released about the unique sewage treatment plants supplied by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING

The territory of the Solzansky landfill, filmed by Vesti Irkutsk

A report by “Vesti Irkutsk” was released about the unique sewage treatment plants supplied by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING

Installation progress in the production workshop of the Solzansky landfill

Complex supply from ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING includes pre-project surveys, development of basic and detailed engineering, process and general design, development and implementation of automated process control systems, procurement of process equipment, installation supervision and commissioning. The company's employees currently provide technical management services at the Customer's site as part of installation supervision at the facility. Commissioning will begin in the first quarter of 2025.

A report by “Vesti Irkutsk” was released about the unique sewage treatment plants supplied by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERINGA report by “Vesti Irkutsk” was released about the unique sewage treatment plants supplied by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING

Installation progress in the production workshop of the Babkhinsky landfill, filming by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING

The infrastructure for eliminating the accumulated damage at the former site of JSC Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill consists mainly of the Babkhinsky and Solzansky landfills. Installations for new treatment facilities are being implemented by ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING for both landfills. Installation of equipment at the Babkhinsky landfill is currently nearing completion. Thus, pumping and treatment of wastewater in Baikalsk will begin next year.

Read also: ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING supplied turnkey vacuum evaporation units as part of a project to neutralize industrial waste

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