ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Employees completed training under the program for export-oriented enterprises

The educational program “Export standard for small and medium-sized businesses” from the School of the Russian Export Center, in which ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC took part, has completed.

Seven export-oriented enterprises of the Tambov region presented their business plans for entering new export markets and strategies for strengthening their positions in existing ones, studied the features of negotiations with foreign partners and practiced skills in negotiating long-term cooperation in a competitive international market.

The training consisted of five thematic modules from accredited trainers and mentors, upon completion of which representatives of the participating companies received new knowledge and experience, as well as specific recommendations for developing the export potential of enterprises.

Сотрудники ЗАВКОМ-ИНЖИНИРИНГ прошли обучение по программе для экспортоориентированных предприятий

The leading manager of the Biotechnology Department of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC Alexey Alexandrovich Kolomoets
receives the certificate of participation in the program.