ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC Employees took part in the largest Forum for designers “The Power of Platforms”

The All-Russian Forum dedicated to innovations in the field of design, digitalization and the creation of engineering ecosystems was held in October of this year.

In order to develop technological expertise, our company was represented by employees of the Process and Design Departments: Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharova, Alexey Vladimirovich Kochetov, and Irina Vladimirovna Fedorova.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC Employees took part in the largest Forum for designers “The Power of Platforms”

The forum brought together designers, design automation systems/ Building Information Model (BIM) managers and managers of design, construction, engineering companies and industrial enterprises in the real sector of the economy.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING employees attended process master classes, industry sections, an exhibition of projects and technologies, took part in test drives of hardware and software solutions, and got acquainted with the practical experience of colleagues in implementing domestic engineering software.


ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC Employees took part in the largest Forum for designers “The Power of Platforms”