Representatives of “ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING” LLC visited the solemn event at PJSC MMK

Representatives of “ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING” LLC, at the invitation of PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works", on January 31, 2018 took part in the solemn event on the occasion of launching a new plant for processing the naphthalene fraction by the method of high-efficiency rectification.

The launch of a plant for the processing of naphthalene will increase the output of commercial naphthalene by half, and also significantly reduce the environmental load.

If before the output of commodity naphthalene was about 7 500 tons per year, thanks to a new compact installation and a new technology offered by “ZAVKOM-ENGINEERIN” LLC, the output will increase to 15,000 tons per year. Also, the plant allows the production of commercial naphthalene in both liquid and solid form with a concentration of not less than 97.5%. At the same time, emissions into the atmosphere are completely excluded.

Research work and preparation of initial data for the development of a new technology for the processing of the naphthalene fraction began in 2012. In 2015, a tender was held for the provision of technology and the supply of equipment with the implementation of supervision and commissioning works, following which, in November 2015, a contract was concluded with “ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING” LLC.

Additional information is available in the news of PJSC "MMK" link:

Watch projects

Installation of naphthalene production
✓ 2020

Installation of naphthalene production

