Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China

Representatives of our company during a business trip to the People's Republic of China (PRC) held successful negotiations, thereby strengthening partnership relations with our existing counterparties. As a result of the negotiations, new contracts were signed and new fields of cooperation were worked out.

Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to ChinaDelegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China Delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING Company paid a working visit to China

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC closely cooperates with Chinese cooperates and has its own representative office in Shanghai.

Our contacts in China:

Address: Wuxi City, Bin Hu District, Hui He Street, Building 186, 2nd floor

Phones: +86 (138) 1018-1318


Contact person: Evgeny Alekseevich Matveev, Leading Manager
Procurement Department LLC "ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING"

During the business trip, negotiations were held in the following cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Rhodes, Dalian, etc. In addition, the company's delegation together with one of our customers visited the existing chemical production facilities of China.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC delegation representatives:

A delegation of our company visited China, during which long and fruitful negotiations were held. Our representatives held meetings with both new partners and contractors, with whom several major projects are currently being implemented. The delegation of ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC visited a number of research and production Companies. Such visits certainly make us richer, stronger and more adapted to new market conditions. During the joint work, ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC will continue to combine our experience and capabilities of Chinese colleagues in order to expand the technology portfolio and strengthen its position as a leading engineering company.