Technical re-equipment of the raw material warehouse

CJSC «Murom»

In 2018, the company ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC  successfully carried out work on the implementation of the project for the technical re-equipment of the raw material warehouse for CJSC Murom in Murom.

The storage warehouse for receiving, storing and supplying the production of UFC-85 and 37% formalin contains 6 containers. The process is fully automated, practically does not require human intervention, and the project contains the most modern energy efficient equipment.

As part of the project, our company performed the following types of work:

  1. Development of design and working documentation;
  2. Complete delivery of equipment;
    • 6 tanks, 75m3 each;
    • instrumentation sensors;
    • control cabinet;
    • computer hardware and software;
  3. Installation supervision;
  4. Designer supervision;
  5. Start-up and adjustment works;
  6. Personnel training.