Wheat deep processing plant JSC «AMINOSIB» City of Ishim Wheat deep processing plant JSC «AMINOSIB» City of Ishim project_status_release_2 In 2017, ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC launched a wheat deep processing plant with a complex for receiving, storing and processing wheat with a capacity of 120,000 tons of grain per year, in the city of Ishim, Tyumen Region Nomenclature of finished products: Lysine; Gluten; Ethanol; Feed additive, Distillers' Dry Grain with Solubles (DDGS); Bran; Carbon dioxide. The production process is fully automated; the most modern technological equipment from the world's leading suppliers has been supplied. As part of the project, our company performed the following types of work: General design; Design and working documentation of the following facilities; Complete supply of technological equipment; Mill; Wet process; Production of glucose syrup; Drying gluten; Lysine production unit; Installation work; Commissioning; Personnel training. To get a consultation