Brewery plant

Brewery «Khvoyninsky»

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING LLC  has reconstructed and increased the capacity of the brewery, delivered and launched new modern equipment.

The production process is fully automated; the most modern technological equipment from leading Russian and world manufacturers has been supplied.

As part of the project, our company performed the following types of work:

  1. Development of working documentation for the brand Production technology, and automation of production technology.
  2. Complete supply of technological Equipment:
    • Department of pure yeast culture (Pure yeast culture);
    • Yeast department;
    • Departments of fermentation and after-fermentation (Cylindroconical vessel);
    • Double-circuit SIP-washing station;
    • Refrigeration unit;
    • Cooling plant;
    • Air coolers of the camp basement.
  3. Installation work.
  4. Commissioning.
  5. Personnel training.
  6. Start-up operations.