Enzyme production

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING performs the construction of unique, innovative enterprises that produce enzymes used in the farming business to enhance the effectiveness of feeding animals.

Enzyme production

The following enzymes can be produced using ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING technology:

  • Cellulase (Agrocell preparation)
  • Xylanase (Agroxyl preparation)
  • Phytase (Agrophyte preparation)

These additives increase the availability of phosphorus, calcium, amino acids and microelements in plant-based feeds, enhance the energy nutrition of the feed, improve conversion and increase animals’ body mass growth and productivity. In addition, enzymes reduce the discharge of useful substances with the droppings by up to 30%.

Polysaccharides, proteins and lipids of the feeds degrade in the digestive tract of animals under the impact of digestive ferments. A deficit of ferments reduces the assimilation of the feeds and, accordingly, the productivity of the animals. Rational use of ferment preparations improves the physiological state of the animals and preserves headcount, making it easier to observe the health and hygiene norms that regulate the animals’ upkeep.

The process flow that we have elaborated enables us to obtain the highest quality enzyme preparations from cereal raw material that fully conform to the ever more stringent requirements of the modern grain-processing industry. In so doing, provision is made for a minimum level of raw material and energy consumption and a maximum output of end products without harmful waste that may contaminate the environment.

In practice the high efficiency of introducing feed additives obtained using ferments made using ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING technology into the diet of animals and birds has been revealed:

Feed additive for poultry enhances:

  • Egg production by 13.3%
  • Egg mass by 5.1%
  • Egg shell thickness by 2.6%

With that, the cost of 1000 eggs drops by 6.8%.

Feed additive for cattle:

  • Enhances average daily body weight growth of young pigs on fattening by 10-15%
  • Ensures preservation of headcount of new-born piglets up to 95%

As a whole, the cost of feed per unit of body weight growth of the pigs falls by 8.8%.

Feed additive for pigs:

  • Enhances average daily body weight growth of young pigs on fattening by 10-15%
  • Ensures preservation of headcount of new-born piglets up to 95.

As a whole, the cost of feed per unit of body weight growth of the pigs falls by 8.8%.

Doses and means of application:

Ferment preparations are introduced to combined feed using the method of multi-stage mixing. The norm for the introduction of preparations, depending on the diet, stands at 0.2 to 0.4 kg per tonne of combined feed or feed mix, containing wheat, millet, triticale, unshelled oats, sunflower cake or oilcake.

Phytase (the Agrophyte preparation)

Macro and microelements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and others), proteins, amino acids and polysugars are bound by phytic acid. In natural conditions, all these nutrients are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs and poultry and transit through them. Phytase acts on the phytic acid, breaking the ether bonds, due to which all earlier bound components become accessible for digestion and assimilation.

Cellulase (the Agrocell preparation)

This ferment, which degrades cellulose into glucose, is comparatively infrequently encountered in nature. Without it, the cellulouse in the cell walls of plant-based tissues, along with lignine and hemicellulose, is simply not assimilated by the animals. Feed additives with Agrocell have a significant effect on improving the quality of the digestion of plant-based food.

Xylanase (the Agroxyl preparation)

This ferment breaks down the non-hydrolysable components of cereal raw materials: pentasanes (xylanes, arabanes, arabanomananes) and beta-glucans. Overall it improves the digestion of nutrients. Because of the preparation, cheaper cereal raw materials can be used for the feed: unshelled oats, sunflower cake or oilcake and siftings. It has a positive impact on the production cost of combined feed products.

The enzymes made using ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING technology are mixed well with other ingredients and compatible with all components of feeds and premixes.