Vacuum evaporators

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING offers vacuum evaporators of various designs for products and media concentrating.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING can offer vacuum evaporation stations equipped with falling film evaporators, forced circulation evaporators, as well as vacuum evaporation stations combining various types of evaporators in different combinations depending on the properties of the product to be evaporated.

Vacuum evaporators

We offer vacuum evaporators for a wide range of products concentrating:

  • amino acid solutions (production of lysine, threonine and other amino acids),
  • organic acid solutions (production of lactic, citric and other types of acids),
  • sugar and dextrin solutions (production of molasses, glucose syrups, GFS and others),
  • solutions and suspensions of protein media (production of feed yeast, microbial protein, etc.),
  • food industry waste (disposal of distillery stillage, corn extract, waste from deep processing of wheat, etc.).

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING has extensive experience in the use of vacuum evaporators in Zero Liquid Discharge concept (ZLD) — for enterprises of various industries. In this concept, all process effluents of the enterprise, which cannot be treated at biological treatment plants, are sent to a disposal unit, the key component of which is a vacuum evaporator. The implementation of the ZLD concept makes it possible to almost completely eliminate the discharge of industrial wastewater into the environment, as well as to significantly reduce water consumption due to the reuse of secondary condensate obtained in a vacuum evaporator.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING can offer vacuum evaporators with thermo compression of secondary steam, with mechanical compression of secondary steam, vacuum evaporators heated by boiler steam, heated by hot air exhaust from drying units for various purposes, as well as various combinations of heat supply schemes for vacuum evaporation stations depending on site conditions.

ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING can offer both single- and multi-shell evaporators depending on the customer's requirements. ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING vacuum evaporators are equipped with up-to-date control and measuring devices and are equipped with a highly efficient automated control system that allows you to minimize the number of maintenance personnel and reduce human factor influence on the process.